aster yellow virus echinacea

Replanting After Aster Yellows - Perennials Forum - GardenWeb.
* Aster yellows - (Gardening): Definition -
Echinacea Diseases — Plant Diseases — Penn State Extension.
aster yellow virus echinacea
Little tan jumpy bugs! - Vegetable Gardening Forum - GardenWeb.aster yellow virus echinacea
Master Gardener: Plants with Aster Yellows doomed | Tulsa World.Gardening Tips.
Jul 14, 2012. Coneflowers look more like Frankenflowers when affected by Aster Yellows Phytoplasma, a virus-like organism spread by one kind of insect.
BASF | Controlling Leafhoppers on Perennials by Paul Pilon.
Echinacea: Purple Coneflower PV Diseases - Aster Yellows, Mosaic Virus ( Several species), Powdery Mildew, Root Rot.
Jul 11, 2010. Unfortunately, leaf hoppers can carry a virus called Asters Yellow from plant to plant. I know this virus affects Flowers, like Echinacea, but I don't.
Is this the first sign of the dreaded Aster Yellows? tested and discovered that a huge number of their Big Sky echinacea were virus infected.
Aug 21, 2009. It seems that all of my echinacea (in 2 separate beds) have become. From what I understand Aster Yellows is a virus introduced into the plant.
The Queen of Seaford: Short and Sweet -- Aster Yellows.
Aster yellows on chrysanthemum. Frequency. 2 (1 = rare 5 = annual). Severity. 5 ( 1 = very little damage 5 = plants killed). Hosts. Calendula sp., Echinacea sp.